Castle's Family Restaurant

Created by Daniel 10 years ago
I can remember Brad working at Castle's restaurant when it was just burgers, dogs, fries, icecream, pop and video game in the back(pacman, Galaga, centipede, asteroids, space invaders and donkey kong were a few.) We were in 10th grade, I turned 16 and got my license and bought a yellow and black Maverick for $50 bucks. I was so proud and excited I loaded up a bunch of friends and said let's go see Brad and get something to eat. Well as soon as I pulled up to the restaurant, he started chucking pickels onto my windshield. Then he came out, I didn't see his hand behind his back, and he squirted catchup all over my windshield and then turned on my wipers. That happened just about every time I went there, which was alot. Anyways, on our maiden voyage to Castle's in my bright yellow Maverick, we all piled back into the car and it wouldn't start. Brad laughed his ass off and then threw a couple of hamburger buns onto my car and called it a crap sandwich. That's what friends are for?!?!?