The canoe trip

Created by Daniel 10 years ago
Sometime around 1984, Brad, Chris Wilbur and myself borrowed Rick Updegroves canoe and we decided to put the canoe in 18 mile creek at the bottom of Rattle Snake Hill Road and paddle all the way back to Newfane. Michelle Logan dropped us off and said she would pick us up at Ide road about 4 hours later. Chris and I paddled and Brad sat in the middle. Well, it was one of the driest summers of all time and the water was really low(and so were our IQs!). I think the practically new Rick Updegrove aluminum canoe scrapped over rocks for most of the 10 mile or so trip. Sorry Rick. Somewhere around Purdy road we came across a barricade that blocked the creek. Next to the barricade was a run down old shack. We thought it was abandoned for years but out came an old timer raggedly clothed with a ZZ Top beard. He also had a shot gun pointed at us from about 10 feet away. He said, "You boyz iz gunna die!" Chris looked at me in shock and I looked back with the deer in the headlights look. Not Brad. Brad told the guy to go pound sand(in so many words?) Chris and I got out of the canoe, picked it up and ran it to the other side of the barricade while saying nothing. Not Brad. He gave that guy a piece of his mind to put it lightly! As we paddled away both Chris and I asked Brad what the hell he was thinking?!?!? I thought we were really going to die! Brad then informed Chris and I that we were women trapped in mens bodies??? Well, then it took us a long long time to paddle home while the canoe got stuck on rocks every 10 feet. When we got to Ide road, Michelle was not happy! She had been waiting by the creek for hours. (Remember, no cell phones back then.)She was always in a great mood and fun to be with, but not on this particular day. I think I was more afraid of her than old ZZ Top guy?!?!? Chris and I decided to leave Brad to deal with Michelle. That's what friends are for:)